Whale Watch Room Gallery Exhibit - Lynn Carlson

Whale Watch Room Gallery Exhibit - Lynn Carlson

Past Events


The Point Arena Lighthouse Whale Watch Room Gallery welcomes Santa Rosa artist Lynn Carlson as its next featured artist. The exhibit will remain on display through April 29.

Artist Statement

The main focus of my collection for the exhibit is a variety of still life paintings. The very word “still” in my still life paintings is what I endeavor to avoid. My goal is to present a still life painting that goes beyond “still” and invites the viewer to experience the simple beauty of a piece of fruit, a vegetable, a pretty vase, and many times, a rather ordinary object.

I work primarily in oil on canvas and/or canvas panels. To achieve the depth of color I strive for in my paintings, I most often paint in layers. By painting in layers, a more time consuming process, I find I can achieve richer and more vibrant colors which are called for in my still life paintings. By using this layered approach I hope to give “life” to my still life painting.

Whatever subject I choose to paint, whether it’s a still life or landscape, I hope to relate to my viewer a sense of calm and beauty.

Artist Bio

I knew at a young age that I wanted to be an artist. I had a very gifted aunt that I admired and set me on my artistic journey. Not unlike many daughters, nieces, wives and mothers, my journey to this place in time has taken many detours. I happily find that now I have more patience and a more seasoned sense of artistic perspective.

This artistic maturity has brought a depth to my painting that I would not have achieved otherwise. I have been fortunate, in this later part of my journey, to study with talented professional painters learning invaluable techniques from each one. Two of my instructors were amazing still life painters that mastered their own unique approach creating paintings of remarkable beauty. I’ve also studied with talented professionals that have alternative and different approaches to painting. Absorbing as much as possible from my studies I hope to present my own unique artistic identity.

Life has also allowed me to travel to many beautiful places and also visit many beautiful museums containing art produced by world famous Masters. These travels and visits have given me inspiration as I experience all the remarkable beauty and talent in our world. The journey to my artistic identity is, happily, a never ending journey.

Jewelry artist Ling-Yen Jones continues to display her work in the Whale Watch Room Gallery display cabinet in support of Lynn's exhibit.

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Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day

10am - 4:30pm

Rest of the year

10am - 3:30pm

Closed Thanksgiving & Christmas Days

Admission Prices:

Site Visit Fee

Members and Children under 12


12 and over


Tower Tour (in addition to site visit fee)

4 and over



877-725-4448, ext. 1 or

707-882-2809, ext. 1




45500 Lighthouse Road

P. O. Box 11

Point Arena, CA 95468