Lighthouse Lecture Series - Robin Joy Wellman

Lighthouse Lecture Series - Robin Joy Wellman

Past Events


On Saturday, February 17 at 4 p.m. Robin will share her recent travels to Russia as a citizen diplomat. Her stories will include the projects recently completed and the warmth and kindness received by people in many areas of Russia. Take a look at the communities they love, of food they enjoy, of their standard of living which might surprise you, and so much more. Pictures speak a thousand words so many photos of recent travels will be shared.

The presentation will include photos of Lake Baikal, which sits near Mongolia and has 20% of all the water on our planet earth, photos of Siberian grasslands and forests, horses and wildflowers, city spaces of Irkutsk, Anga, and Moscow and many photos of smiling people. Robin hopes to encourage us all to understand that people, even in Russia, have personal stories and personal views that are not always what the media portray. Everyday people in Russia have everyday lives with many of the same concerns, hopes, and dreams that we all share.

Robin has been connected to Fort Ross State Historic Park ( now retired) and to Russia for over 30 years. She was lead coordinator for the natural and cultural programming at Fort Ross working closely with academics, organizations, churches, and tribal members which created many deep rooted relationships that carry on today. She has presented throughout the United States and Russia and continues to do so even through this difficult time. She has traveled extensively in Russia often putting together groups of tribal members and /or academics to strengthen the understanding of our shared history with Russia. Robin recently traveled to Russia in 2019, 2021, 2022 and most recently in 2023 to continue the diplomacy that is so important in today's world.

The Lighthouse Lecture Series is presented on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 4 p.m. (5 p.m. June - August). Check our Calendar of Events for the presenters and topics.

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P. O. Box 11

Point Arena, CA 95468