Lighthouse Lecture Series - Mark Hancock

Lighthouse Lecture Series - Mark Hancock

Past Events


Mark Hancock presents "Oh, The Things I've Seen!" as part of the Lighthouse Lecture Series on Saturday, August 17 at 5 p.m.

In his 9 years as Executive Director of the Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc. (PALKI) Mark has seen and experienced some of the most beautiful, unique, mysterious, awe-inspiring and entertaining sights, sounds and interactions at the Light Station. Join him for this presentation of his favorite things he has seen during his time on the Station and hear the stories behind them. People, flora and fauna, weather, atmospheric anomalies, full moons, storms, unique visitors (human, animal and mechanical) will all be part of this fascinating look back at the amazing sights you will see only at the 154 year old Light Station!

Mark has had a varied 51 year career in the working world, with a wide variety of positions in building maintenance, customer service, software application development and implementation, sales, quality assurance and other roles in both large corporations and small software startups. Prior to moving to Gualala full time in 2011 he worked at Crocker Bank, Pacific Bell (where he met his wife of 39 years, Laverne), software startups Salestar and Spear Technologies, and Wells Fargo Bank Internet. After moving to Gualala he became part of the coastal community by joining Gualala Arts as its Publicity Coordinator, a position he enjoyed for 4 years. When the Point Arena Lighthouse Keeper’s Inc. were looking for a new Executive Director in 2015 he applied and has been happily doing that job ever since.

Admission is $5 per person.

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Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day

10am - 4:30pm

Rest of the year

10am - 3:30pm

Closed Thanksgiving & Christmas Days

Admission Prices:

Site Visit Fee

Members and Children under 12


12 and over


Tower Tour (in addition to site visit fee)

4 and over



877-725-4448, ext. 1 or

707-882-2809, ext. 1



45500 Lighthouse Road

P. O. Box 11

Point Arena, CA 95468