An Evening with Madam Kate

An Evening with Madam Kate


The Point Arena Lighthouse will welcome the spirit of Madam Kate, the senior madam of the whorehouses of the town of Mendocino 140 years ago and in the company of her bodyguard the “Professor,” on June 8 at 7:30 p.m. Share a glass of champagne, wine, a Lighthouse Mimosa or sparkling juices and water and various sweet and savory treats while Madam Kate shares true tales of the “soiled doves” on the Mendocino Coast from years past.

Madam Kate, in the physical form of local historian Katy Tahja, is a lighthouse fan and is coming to investigate our Light and regale you with ribald tales of the evenings of leisure afforded the menfolk of Mendocino and its surrounding area by the soiled doves under Madam Kate’s care. Enjoy her fascinating tales of days gone by, laugh at her jokes, hear newspaper accounts read by the “Professor” of misdeeds that occurred, and see how she likes the Point Arena Light. Cap off the evening by climbing to the top of the Lighthouse Tower to enjoy an unparalleled nighttime view from the tallest Lighthouse on the Pacific coast. To make the evening even more memorable you will take home your etched Point Arena Lighthouse champagne flute or wine glass at the end of the evening.

Madam Kate has raised thousands of dollars over 20 years for museums and historical societies portraying an aged business woman with an unusual line of work. It will be an evening you won’t forget! Tickets to this unique adults only evening are $75 per person and advance reservations are strongly encouraged. The evening will be limited to 20 patrons only, so make your reservation early by calling the Lighthouse at (707) 882-2809, ext. 1 between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. daily.

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Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day

10am - 4:30pm

Rest of the year

10am - 3:30pm

Closed Thanksgiving & Christmas Days

Admission Prices:

Site Visit Fee

Members and Children under 12


12 and over


Tower Tour (in addition to site visit fee)

4 and over



877-725-4448, ext. 1 or

707-882-2809, ext. 1



45500 Lighthouse Road

P. O. Box 11

Point Arena, CA 95468